Piega 511 / Coax

Naša cena: 11.800
Nov / Rabljen Nov
Tip izdelka Samostoječi zvočniki
Znamka Piega (vas zanima več o znamki Piega)


The absolute sound pravi o Piegi, da je "švicarski dragulj", "Po obisku Piege še bolj cenimo Piegino inovativno tehnologijo, švicarsko spretnost, kakovost zvoka in skoraj 30 let svetovnega uspeha. Piega je res original in si zasluži večjo zastopanost na ameriškem hifi trgu."
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The Absolute Sound

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Romulus  (30 Apr. 14 / 22:00)  Rating: sehr positive Bewertungen

Perfection exists. As we all know it is not easy to buy expensive second hand material from a distant country. Anze can be reached by mail and phone. Reaction speed is great. Product was even better than described and very well packed. Shipment lightening fast. He knows what he is selling and does not push the sale, if you know what i mean. Highly recommended as a seller. Buy with extreme confidence

singlebrazil  (07 Jan. 14 / 02:26)  Rating: sehr positive Bewertungen

Excellent Seller. Great price and great communication. Pain-free transaction and unit was packaged perfectly. I would heartily recommend doing business with this seller. Fantastic Audiomarkt experience!