Elac SUB 3070 Rosewood

Our Price: /
New / Used Demo
(Demo means this product has been used with the greatest care in our store. We handle all our products gently and with love. You can be sure that the product's value has remained as new.)
Product Type Subwoofer (active)
Brand Elac (vas zanima več o znamki Elac)
Age 0 years
Finish Palisander
Full price of new product 2,600 €
complete, with original packaging
Check our customers' reviews on Audio Markt
rolandein  (12 Mar. 16 / 20:10)  Rating: sehr positive Bewertungen

Absolute serious seller. Excellent communication. Item picked up in Slovenia. Player was in perfect condition as described.
Highly recommended!

graaf4ever  (25 Jan. 16 / 09:11)  Rating: sehr positive Bewertungen

I bought a second hand preamp in mint condition + some demo filters and cables : all received well packed and in excellent state, very serious seller, safe transaction. Thank you Audio Serum! A+++